Wednesday 13 June 2012

Tuscan wedding

One of the perks of working for 'Condé Nast Brides' magazine is being sent to photograph fantastic weddings in great locations. I went out to Greve in Chianti to shoot  Sarah & Thomas's wedding at the Villa Vignamaggio.

If you're planning a destination wedding, do have a look.

I had help from the fabulous wedding planner Joelle Edwards who is based in Italy. She organised a wonderful day which ran like clockwork ( bearing in mind it's an Italian clock ! )

For copyright reasons I can't post any pictures yet but here's a snap of me hard at work.

Variety really is the spice of life.

I found myself in a bullring in Southern Spain photographing mock bullfighting. I promise you no bulls were harmed in any way in the taking of the pictures.

The only injury was to me, after two hours in the searing sun I emerged with over a hundred sand flea bites !